Scribbles and thoughts ...

These are ramblings from J L Wilson, published author of romantic suspense, mystery, and paranormal -time travel fiction....

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

and yet another contract!

Seriously. I've lost count.

Got a contract for another mystery with Wild Rose, so let's see, where are we?

2 to come from Wild Rose (probably just one more out this year with them). They have requested more from me, so I've got 3 I want to send in (need some prep work).

3 to come from Cerridwen (probably two of them this year). They've requested more in the History Patrol series, so have to write those.

1 more to come from another publisher (but I haven't inked it so can't count it). That will be this year. And I have 2 follow-on books to that.

This was the year I was going to take it easy! Wow. What happened to that resolution?

I'm almost to the bottom of my "to be sold" stack -- those manuscripts I wrote a few years ago and never sold. But I'm also writing new stuff all the time. I sort of fall back on those 'old books' when I need a sub-plot or characters. So far so good.

Now if the remodeling on the house goes as well, I'll be happy!

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