Scribbles and thoughts ...

These are ramblings from J L Wilson, published author of romantic suspense, mystery, and paranormal -time travel fiction....

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Shaking it up

I used to always blog here on Tuesday and Friday but I'm going to change it a bit in the new year. I'm going to an alternate-week promo schedule: one week I promo on M/W/F/Su, the next week it's T/Th/Sa. Depending on what week it is, I'll post here on either Tuesday or Wednesday or Sunday or Saturday.

Confused? I've got a little checklist I made up to keep it straight for me. The bottom line was I didn't feel I was organized enough when it came to promotion and communicating with readers. I would drop out of sight for a week or two, then reappear in a flurry of activity and ... anyway, I want to try to be consistent *and* keep my sanity -- so I'm giving it a try.

That's my motto for this year: "let's give that a try". I'm going to try different things: exercise programs, physical therapy for my chronic back problems, promotional gigs, writing styles. I feel a need to shake it up, so here's to 2010: the year of the Shake Up!

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