I was out of town last weekend -- nothing as glamorous as New Orleans this time, just a quick visit to Iowa to help my Mom with her moving.
She's going to an assisted living apartment and we had to assess what would fit, what wouldn't, what we would do with what wouldn't fit, where to put things, who to give things to...She had already weeded out a lot when she moved from our house to her townhouse, 7 years ago, but this was yet more weeding out.
She's being a very good sport about it all. I'm sure she's less than anxious to give up her independence, but she'll retain a great deal of autonomy where she's going and it is a nice place. Heck, I've had apartments that size back in my college days and ones that weren't nearly as nice. I admire how she's keeping cheerful about it all and trying to do as much as she can, given her physical limitations. It's teaching me a lot about 'grace under pressure' and I hope I can retain those lessons when my own times comes, several decades (I hope!) in the future. We don't like to think about the limitations placed on us by aging, but it's inevitable, I'm afraid. All we can hope for is to have a good attitude, like her.
The move is in a week. I won't be there for the actual move, my siblings are taking over for that. My husband and I will come on the following day to help unpack, hang things, put away, and get her settled. It's another phase of life for us all. Let's hope it all goes as planned!