Scribbles and thoughts ...

These are ramblings from J L Wilson, published author of romantic suspense, mystery, and paranormal -time travel fiction....

Sunday, March 28, 2010

And now, for a brief update

I've been insanely busy at work lately -- big deadlines and some technical glitches meant I was working a bunch of overtime. Now we're out of town, helping my Mom settle into her new assisted living apartment. I drove a HUGE cargo van yesterday 250 miles in order for us to fill it and take furniture home with me.

My sisters were here for the move on Friday so I got to see them before they scattered back to their homes. We all agreed: weed out now. Rethink what you purchase. Downsize early and often. Mom was really good about getting rid of Stuff, but there are still things to deal with during a downsizing move.

My new mantra: "if I buy that I have to throw it away eventually: do I really want it?"

It's going to make purchases a LOT easier to decide on....

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