Scribbles and thoughts ...

These are ramblings from J L Wilson, published author of romantic suspense, mystery, and paranormal -time travel fiction....

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sometimes life shows you your priorities ....

big storm last night. I mean, *big*. Lots of lightning and crashing wind and then, BOOM, crashing tree! Right down into our back yard.

Damn. I nursed those hydrangeas all summer only to see them crushed by a damn tree. And let's not even talk about my spirea, my astilbe, and my mallow (which are tough as weeds and will probably grow back more profusely than ever).

We are safe, though. Our little black cat, Mia, thought it was all marvelous and jumped up on the couch to watch the show. Our big blond cat, Houdini, hid under the bed, wise boy that he is. Jim nearly slept through it all but the tree coming down woke him up.

So now I have to put my writing on hold, a bit, to deal with cleanup. The good thing is, I get a lot of thinking done when I'm toiling in the garden. And I'll have a lot of toil ahead of me.

Once we get that 60' tree out of my way.

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